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Welcome to our Blog: In-Home Care Insights

Our dedicated team of owners, compassionate nurses, and skilled Registered Care Aides come together to curate a wealth of up-to-date news, useful information and invaluable in-home care insights.

At Coast Care, we believe that true well-being extends beyond the healthcare world. It’s about embracing a lifestyle that keeps you not just healthy, but active and firmly in control of your life and health. Join us as we explore the unique aspects of coastal living, sharing tips, stories, and advice to inspire a holistic approach to your well-being.

seniors coping with heat and drinking water

How to Cope with Record-Breaking Heat

How to Cope with Record-Breaking Heat and Care for your Elderly Loved Ones The world is experiencing unprecedented heat waves this year, and Canada is no exception. In July 2023, the global average temperature reached two consecutive record highs of…

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being there for ageing parents when you cannot be

Being There for Aging Parents When You Can’t Be

We all worry about our aging parents being lonely or bored at home, but life and distance can make it difficult and stressful to ensure they are taken care of, healthy and happy? Have you ever considered hiring an in-home…

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Why Exercise is Essential for Aging and Seniors

Why Exercise is Essential for Aging and Seniors

Whether you are 5 or 85, exercise is not only good for your body, but also for your mind and soul. As you get older, staying physically active can help you maintain your health, independence, and quality of life. In…

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